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This blog contain blog lists from Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat (PR). If you feel that your blog is not belong to those blog listing, you can email me and I will delete your blog from the list or change your blog to suppose blog listing.

Let say your blog is more to PR and somehow I have listed your blog to BN blog list, so you can email me and i will interchange your blog to BN log list.

OR if
you are free land politic platform and you are prefer to be politic observer, politic analyzer, atas pagar then I will create new blog list for you. So then you can hentam kiri and kanan. :-)

To those who want their blog appear in my blog list, you can email me or drop your url and let me know the blog listing you are prefer to be listed on CBOX chat box.


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